Clam Netting
Protect Clam Beds
Nassadox, Virginia
Apply plastic netting over seeded beds in sub-tidal or inter-tidal zones and increase your survival rate by keeping predators like blue crabs, mud crabs, horseshoe crabs, conch, snails, birds, stingrays and others away. Netting is easily staked in place and then rolled up for clam harvesting.
We also help package your product. Send oysters, mussels, or clams to market in knitted plastic mesh bags. Choose from a variety of colors in hexagonal or diamond patterns to accent your cultured shellfish package.
Clam Protection Plastic Netting
- High quality grids, consistent hole sizes
- UV stabilized for long life (black only)
- Wide range of products
- Available in 12', 14' and 17' widths
- Custom sizes available