Beetle Netting
Protection Against Japanese Beetles
"Last fall the Japanese beetles nearly destroyed my crop and as you can see from the photos they are having a field day in my raspberry patch, eating each berry as it becomes ripe...
I purchased the OV 7100 mesh... 14 feet wide. This allowed enough material to go up and over and back down the other side of the row. I found that if I left the ends open the bee pollinators would go in and out freely, but the beetles were not smart enough to go in...
This is such an effective, safe and simple solution, I wanted others to take advantage of it... Thanks for making this material available."
-- Robert Beck
Environmentally friendly, Plastic Beetle Netting provides an efficient way to protect your plants and fruits vegetable crops from various types of beetles or pests. Our Beetle netting products come in 1/6-inch hole apertures to prevent invasion. They also come in UV stabilized black polypropylene resin for extended service life.
Install Beetle Netting by simply draping over crops. PolyClips can be used to secure the netting to the designated area.
Receive next day shipment from our vast in-stock product inventory - in easy to use package sizes. These packages come in Roll Widths of 14-feet and Roll Lenghs of 50 or 100-feet for your convenience.